Stacey Solomon speaking on This Morning

Sort Your Life Out fans baffled over Stacey Solomon makeover: ‘Should they be doing this?’

Is that even allowed?

Last night (June 4), Stacey Solomon returned to our screens for a re-run of her beloved show, Sort Your Life Out.

Whilst enjoying the old episode, viewers flocked to social media to share their thoughts.

However, one detail left some fans less than impressed. In fact, some questioned whether the programme had actually broken rules during the makeover.

Did you spot what they did?

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Stacey Solomon confuses Sort Your Life Out fans

In the episode that aired for the second time last night, viewers saw Stacey and her team help Cherelle and Tony Dowling. The pair needed a hand  transforming their chaotic two-bedroom home. They also needed help locating a lost engagement ring – buried somewhere in the house.

Stacey Solomon talking on Sort Your Life Out season one with red hair
Stacey and her Sort Your Life Out team were eager to help Cherelle and Tony (Credit: BBC / iPlayer)

Stacey was joined by her team of organisation experts, Carpenter Iwan Carrington, DIY pro Robert Bent and queen of de-cluttering Dilly Carter.

All seemed normal as viewers tuned in, until some observant watchers noted something different about Cherelle and Tony’s home.

One wrote to social media: “It’s a rented house, should they be doing this?”

Another questioned: “I wasn’t paying attention, isn’t the house rented? Landlord must have given permission to have bits sawn out of the woodwork?”

Sort Your Life Out leaves viewers baffled

However, it seems it was quickly made clear that the team were allowed to make changes – crisis averted! One fan took to social media to clarify. They claimed: “Ah, permission granted, and if were the landlord I’d want the BBC to pay for it to go back to how it was when they move out, but cleaner.”

The topic does seem to leave fans of the show confused though. Consequently, one viewer asked beneath a post on the Sort Your Life Out Instagram page: “Only for homeowners though?”

A fellow viewer mused in response: “They have done rentals before, but can only make adjustments with the landlord’s permission.”

Stacey Solomon talking on Sort Your Life Out season one with red hair wearing a pink jumper
Stacey is currently filming Sort Your Life Out season five (Credit: BBC / iPlayer)

Another queried: “I went to apply and realised it was only applicable if your house was cluttered, I wanted to apply as part of the clean-up/organising crew.”

The episode starring Cherelle and Tony first aired during season one and with season five filming on its way, it’s no surprise that Sort Your Life Out has a loyal following.

One fan recently praised: “I love the programme and it’s a great inspiration.”

Another agreed: “So pleased to see that there will be more to watch. You and your team are so inspiring.”

Read more: Stacey Solomon ‘doesn’t want to be made to choose between children and career’: ‘Her words were taken out of context’

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