James Martin speaking on Saturday Morning

James Martin ‘wanted to find a hole and cry’ after embarrassing X-rated blunder live on air


James Martin – whose show, Great British Adventure, is on this weekend (Saturday, June 22) – once made an embarrassing X-rated blunder while live on air.

The 51-year-old chef’s humiliating moment took place back in 2012, while he was still presenting Saturday Kitchen on BBC One.

James Martin on Saturday Morning
James had a moment to forget in 2012 (Credit: ITV)

James Martin on getting his words ‘mixed up’

Back in 2012, during his Saturday Kitchen days, James had a moment to forget hosting the show.

In 2023, James reminisced on the moment which left him to wanting to “find a hole and cry”.

Speaking on The Travel Diaries podcast, the star, who has dyslexia, said: “I was doing my old show on the BBC, and Rick Stein… I was coming out of a Rick Stein VT, and usually I sort of, I’m reading the autocue thinking I can’t spell that, I can’t say that, so I’ve got to change this.

“But for some reason, I didn’t because I was too busy getting prepped with bits and pieces and chatting to my guests, and I remember just looking up – James, we’re coming to you in five, four, three, two, one, and I read it,” he then continued.

“And for some reason, I just got all my words mixed up.”

James Martin smiling on Saturday Kitchen
The moment James knew he’d messed up (Credit: BBC)

James Martin on his moment to forget

The TV star then continued, saying: “What it was supposed to say was: ‘What a delicious looking dish, Rick; now I’m going to do spotted dick and custard, and now I’m going to show you what to do.

“What I said was, ‘what a delicious looking dick, Rick’, and before I even got the apology out, they’re laughing in my ear,” he said.

“I’ve got the BBC laughing in one ear, producers wetting themselves. I just wanted to find a hole to cry in, and I had to carry on – you had to carry on for 12 minutes live, knowing full well that all the while you’re doing this, and the producers are in my ear going, ‘it’s gone viral, it’s gone viral’, and you’re trending all over the place,” he then said.

“It’s in the national newspaper, and I was still on air! There’s nothing you can do about it.”

James Martin wearing a hat on Lorraine
James blamed stress and his dyslexia on the blunder (Credit: ITV)

‘I just wanted to find a hole to cry in’

The TV star explained mistakes can “snowball” when you mix the stress of live television with “someone who is dyslexic”.

James was then asked what Rick’s reaction had been to the blunder.

He revealed that the celebrity chef had texted him within 15 minutes, thanking him for the “ultimate compliment”.

Read more: Jane McDonald’s ‘terrible’ first encounter with James Martin: ‘He greeted her and she just swanned past him’

James Martin’s Great British Adventure airs Saturday (June 22) at 12.40pm on ITV1 and ITVX. 

Saturday Morning Kitchen Blooper High Quality

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Robert Emlyn Slater
Senior Writer

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