Gemma Winter in Coronation Street

Gemma and Chesney need to win the lottery, beg Coronation Street fans

The couple are struggling to make ends meet

Coronation Street fans have pleaded for Gemma and Chesney to have some good luck amid their on-going financial troubles, after Gemma stole a pair of shoes for one of their children in Monday’s episode (June 25).

She became desperate after seeing the price of a new pair of shoes for her daughter Carys, knowing she couldn’t afford them.

Will Gemma’s actions catch up with her and how will Chesney react to her stealing?

Gemma and Cerys in the shoe shop on Corrie
Gemma stole a pair of shoes for one of her children (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street: Gemma turns to theft

Still reeling from a £70 parking fine she’d received in the post, Gemma sent Carys to school in shoes that were two sizes too small. A call from the youngster’s teacher soon came, leaving Gemma with no choice but to try and get Carys some new shoes.

She and Carys headed to the shoe shop to get her daughter’s feet measured. When Gemma learned the shoes were priced at £45, she realised she didn’t have enough money to cover the cost.

Gemma grabbed her daughter’s hand and fled the shop without paying for the shoes. Back at home, Gemma’s mum Bernie noticed the shoes and was quick to quiz Gemma over how she’d managed to afford them.

Gemma confessed all to her mum. She admitted she only had £20 left for the week, so couldn’t buy the shoes for Carys.

Chesney then found out what had happened and Gemma was caught out.

Gemma Winter in Coronation Street
Will Gemma tell Chesney about what she’s done? (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street fans plead for Gemma and Chesney to have some luck

Following Gemma’s stealing, Coronation Street fans have begged for her and Chesney to have some good luck. Viewers have pleaded that the couple deserve a break and some financial stability.

“Dear lord, let this family win the lottery. I can’t take any more of this misery and heartache,” one Coronation Street fan wrote on social media.

A second agreed: “I feel sorry for Gemma and Chesney and the poor kids. Let them have some good luck,” while a third person added: “Wish they would give them a break!!! Let them have a small lotto win or something.”

Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2024 – meet them all here!

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Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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