Tom lying unconscious in Emmerdale; inset, looking angry (Credit: ITV/Composite: ED!)

Emmerdale: Why Tom needed to survive the electrocution explained by fans

He electrocuted himself after a violent outburst

In last night’s episode of Emmerdale (Monday, June 24), Tom King electrocuted himself after violently smashing up the barn. He managed to survive the accident.

Tom had become enraged after finding out his wife Belle had undergone an abortion after telling him she’d had a miscarriage.

However, Emmerdale fans have shared their relief over Tom surviving the electrocution. Many are hoping he is finally set to get his comeuppance for abusing Belle.

Tom beating up a barn on Emmerdale
Tom smashed up the barn in a fit of rage (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Tom survives electrocution

After finding out Belle had secretly undergone an abortion, Tom lost all control of his temper and proceeded to head to the barn to let off some steam.

He trashed the barn with a crow bar in a fit of rage. However, his final hit proved to be nearly fatal when he electrocuted himself. Tom was knocked unconscious and his heart stopped.

Paddy found him in the barn and revived him. Rhona then headed over to Dale Head to inform Belle of her husband’s accident. Belle was at that moment trying make a getaway from her abusive husband. Tom was taken to hospital, where he scarily told Belle he is never leaving her.

Will Belle proceed with her plan to leave Tom?

Tom unconscious in Emmerdale
Tom was knocked unconscious after being electrocuted (Credit: ITV)

Justice to be served?

Emmerdale fans have shared their relief after Tom survived the electrocution, and many are glad he wasn’t killed off.

Viewers have expressed their hopes of Tom eventually being brought to justice for abusing Belle. Some predict the Dingles could be set to find out the truth about Belle and Tom’s marriage.

“Tom deserved that, but so glad he’s not been killed off, that would be the easy way out for him. When the truth gets out, Tom needs to be arrested. Feel so sorry for Belle, she nearly managed to escape,” one Emmerdale fan posted on Instagram.

A second agreed: “Hope he doesn’t lie and gets his comeuppance the proper way to set a good example to those who are actually going through something so abhorrent (the good example being that they can get proper justice).”

“That’s the least you deserve Tom!!! Just wait til the Dingles find out Emmerdale,” one fan said.

Someone else also explained: “This would have been too easy for his exit, he needs to suffer first.”

“Villagers need to know what he has put Belle through and what a nasty piece of work he is. So they can tell him to his face. Apart from that most of them won’t believe it after he has died. They still think he is Mr Wonderful,” One more added.

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024? Cast exits, arrivals and returns

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Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour episode on Thursdays.

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