Tom looking angry on Emmerdale; inset, Noah Dingle (Credit: ITV/YouTube/Composite: ED!)

Emmerdale: Tom to blame Noah for electrocution, fans predict

Will Tom try to shift the blame?

Fans of Emmerdale have predicted that Tom King will blame Noah for his electrocution in last night’s episode. This came as he realised that Belle had gone for an abortion after Noah informed her she’d had an appointment in town… rather than walking the dog, where she’d claimed to be going.

After doing some digging, Tom learned that Belle had aborted his child. He then took out his rage on the barn where he and Noah had been working, trashing the place with a metal rod.

Tom angry in a barn, on the warpath
Tom took out his rage on a barn full of junk (Credit: ITV)

Tom electrocutes himself during temper tantrum

But, upon his final swing, Tom managed to whack the barn’s rotary isolator – electrocuting himself, and getting flung across the room for good measure. Tom was dead – hurrah!

Except not – with Paddy arriving on the scene in enough time to resuscitate the abusive vet.

After a quick trip to hospital, Tom is on the mend, having also put paid to Belle‘s plan to flee to Scotland. But some Emmerdale fans think that Tom may have a further cruel scheme up his sleeve…

Tom unconscious in Emmerdale
Tom was on the receiving end of his own hissy fit-induced rage (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale fans fear Tom will blame Noah for his accident

Writing on X as the episode aired, fans shared their theory that Tom might try to blame Noah for what had happened. After all, Noah was responsible for re-wiring the equipment which zapped Tom during his rampage.

‘What’s the betting it’ll be 5 months of Tom ramping up the abuse by blackmailing Belle that he will destroy Noah by blaming his dodgy wiring on his accident. Belle will never be able to leave!!!’ fretted one fan.

‘Surely when they go in they will see the barn is smashed up he pulled all the plastic down? He will blame poor Noah saying wiring dodgy and make a claim to bring a Dingle down. He is vile,’ said another.

Noah looking worried on Emmerdale
Could Noah be in trouble? (Credit: ITV)

‘I said I bet Noah will get blamed!’ agreed a third.

‘He’d gone in to speak to Noah (who is an apprentice electrician, so he’ll get blamed),’ another theorised.

Will Noah be left holding the can for Tom’s ‘accident?’

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024? Cast exits, arrivals and returns.

Emmerdale summer preview, with 7 huge spoilers

Emmerdale usually airs on weekdays at 7:30pm, with an hour long episode on Thursdays.

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Joel Harley
Freelance Writer