Emmerdale's Tom King is serious

Emmerdale star James Chase reveals own wishes for Tom abuse storyline outcome including sister return and prison sentence

How will Tom get his comeuppance?

Over in Emmerdale village, Tom King’s abuse of his wife Belle has been becoming more and more intense as he continues to control her.

Soap producer Laura Shaw recently revealed that this storyline will run until ‘the end of the year.’

Now, Emmerdale star James Chase has revealed his own ideal outcome for his character when he eventually gets his comeuppance.

Tom looking angry in his car on Emmerdale
Belle’s been contemplating terminating her baby (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Tom King’s abuse of Belle

With Tom controlling every aspect of her life – from who she spends time with to how much time she spends at work – Belle has been growing uncomfortable living with her husband.

Recently, she discovered that she is pregnant with Tom’s baby despite not feeling ready to be a parent.

Tom, on the other hand, has been desperate to start a family with Belle and was quick to announce the baby news to other villagers despite Belle wanting to keep it a secret.

Attending an appointment at the GP surgery, Belle then contemplated having a termination.

However, she made it her mission to keep this a secret from Tom, especially after realising that he’d been tracking her every movement once managing to get hold of his phone when booking a taxi to the abortion clinic.

Tom King in Emmerdale stands looming over Belle who is hurt on the floor
Tom has ‘a shelf life’ (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: James Chase reveals personal outcome wishes for Tom

Tom King star James Chase has admitted that Tom getting his comeuppance is inevitable, always knowing that his character would have ‘a shelf life.’

When asked what his ideal outcome of the Belle and Tom abuse storyline would be whilst speaking to Entertainment Daily! and other media, James shared: “He can’t get away with it.”

On the topic of Belle, James added: “She needs justice for what happened to her and I think also the viewer needs that. From all the hell we’ve seen Belle get put through, we have to see her win in the end or at the very least, for him to lose.”

So, what would this mean for Tom? James suggested: “I think definitely at least prison, there needs to be at least that.”

Contributing more on his thoughts on where the storyline could go, James also wondered whether Tom’s sister Anya could make an appearance in the village, adding: “I’ve always wondered about his sister.

“It would be interesting to see how he’d react to that. Obviously he’s said in the past that he isn’t that close to her anyway but it would be interesting just to see how he would react and if it would change anything in anyway.”

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024? Cast exits, arrivals and returns

4 exciting Emmerdale spoilers for next week (June 24th-28th)

Emmerdale usually airs on weekdays at 7.30pm, with an hour long episode on Thursdays

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Tamzin Meyer
Assistant Soap Editor