Belle looks concerned as Tom looks angry in Emmerdale

Emmerdale spoilers tonight: Tom electrocuted as Belle tries to flee

Belle makes a big decision

In Emmerdale spoilers tonight (Monday, June 24), the reality of Tom’s abuse hits home for Belle.

After chatting with Rachel, Belle decides to pack her bags and go and stay with Debbie in Scotland.

Meanwhile, Tom’s rage gets the better of him when he realises that Belle lied to him about having a miscarriage. Tom is later electrocuted after hitting a rotary isolator with a metal bar.

Will Tom be okay in Emmerdale spoilers?

Belle talking to Rachel on Emmerdale
Belle confesses to her Mental Health Care Coordinator, Rachel (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale spoilers: Belle makes a big decision

Belle confesses to her mental health care coordinator, Rachel, that she lied to Tom about having a miscarriage, when she really had an abortion.

As the appointment goes on, Rachel realises the extent of Tom’s abuse and controlling ways and tries to help Belle.

Rachel reassures Belle and encourages her to take a break from Tom. As the reality of Tom’s abuse hits home, Belle nods.

She later packs her bags and makes a plan to go and visit Debbie in Scotland.

Is she finally leaving her controlling husband behind?

Tom in a barn, looking angry
Tom realises Belle lied to him (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale spoilers: Tom is full of rage

Meanwhile, Tom discovers from Noah that Amelia looked after Piper yesterday so that Belle could attend an appointment in town.

Realising that Belle lied to him and went to an abortion clinic, he is full of rage. He grabs an iron bar and starts to smash up everything in the barn.

As Tom runs out of strength, he takes one final swing. The bar hits against the rotary isolator and Tom is electrocuted.

Tom is thrown against a beam and left unconscious on the floor. Will he be found in time?

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024? Cast exits, arrivals and returns

4 exciting Emmerdale spoilers for next week (June 24th-28th)

Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour episode on Thursdays.

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