Toyah in a hospital bed on Corrie (Credit: ITV/Composite: ED!)

Coronation Street spoilers: Toyah rushed to hospital and is left reeling by the doctor’s news

The doctor drops a bombshell

Coronation Street spoilers reveal that Toyah Battersby falls seriously ill. After Nick and Leanne rush her to hospital, the doctor leaves her reeling with a shock bombshell.

What is behind Toyah’s mystery illness? And could it have anything to do with her recent affair with brother-in-law Nick? The pair slept together after bonding over their frustration with Leanne and her continued obsession with Rowan and the Institute.

Toyah and Leanne talk on Corrie
A concerned Toyah confronts Leanne… again (Credit: ITV)

And, as Leanne falls further under Rowan’s spell, she attempts to share the good news with Amy Barlow, leaving Toyah even more worried.

But what’s wrong with Toyah? And how will she react to the doctor’s shocking news?

Toyah talking to Leanne on Corrie
Toyah is perturbed as Leanne tries to sell the Institute to Amy (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street spoilers: Leanne gives Amy the hard-sell

As the week begins, Toyah finds Leanne showing Amy an institute video to help relieve her stress. She is horrified to realise that Amy is considering investing in the Institute.

Can she talk Leanne out of involving Amy?

Later, Toyah complains to Nick that she has been experiencing terrible stomach pains. Returning home from work, he finds her on the floor in agony.

Nick, Leanne and Toyah in hospital on Corrie as a doctor talks to them
The doctor shares some shocking news with Toyah (Credit: ITV)

Shock news for Toyah as she falls ill

He takes her to hospital. As he and Leanne wait at Toyah’s bedside, the doctor arrives. The doctor leaves Toyah and her family stunned as he reveals some shocking news about her condition.

But what is behind Toyah’s mystery illness?

Toyah, Nick and Leanne in the hospital on Corrie
Toyah is left reeling as the doctor shares more news (Credit: ITV)

The doctor drops another bombshell

The next day, Toyah continues to try to process the doctor’s news. But there’s more in store. Toyah is left reeling when the doctor drops a second bombshell.

What now? Is Toyah okay? Or is there even more heartbreak to come?

Coronation Street summer preview - 5 exciting spoilers

Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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Joel Harley
Freelance Writer