Coronation Street spoilers comp image: Paul and Denny (Credit: ITV/Comp ED!)

Coronation Street spoilers tonight: Paul collapses after Denny lets him down

A coughing fit sees Paul in serious trouble

Coronation Street spoilers for tonight reveal Paul’s life is on the line after Denny leaves him alone for too long. Will he be okay?

Meanwhile, Adam and Alya finally give into their feelings, and Steve has another date – but is she The One?

Find out more in tonight’s Coronation Street spoilers.

Denny looks at Paul slumped on the sofa in Corrie
Will Paul be okay? (Credit: ITV)

Paul collapses

Despite Billy’s warnings Denny used to be violent to Paul, Paul wants his dad in his life. He invites Denny over to watch a movie and Billy reluctantly leaves them alone.

Denny pops out to get some ice cream, but is distracted by Gemma. He begs to meet his grandchildren. However, while he’s trying to get through to Gemma, it means Paul’s in the flat alone.

Before too long Paul has a coughing fit and struggles to breathe. He manages to call for an ambulance, but he drops the phone when the operator answers.

Unable to breathe Paul collapses and when Denny returns he finds him barely conscious. Will Paul be okay?

Coronation Street: Bernie smiles as she looks through a tin of old letters
Bernie is keeping a secret (Credit: ITV)

What is Bernie hiding in Coronation Street spoilers?

Bernie is not happy with Denny hanging round like a bad smell. She lets off steam to Dev, but doesn’t reveal her true fears: that Denny will tell all about her past.

Later, Dev finds her going through a shoebox of old letters and photos. He asks what she’s looking for and Bernie spins him a cover story. It’s clear she’s uneasy though, so just what is Bernie hiding?

Alya and Adam kiss

The spark between them refusing to die, Adam and Alya continue to work together on the joint case, but it’s proving hard to be professional. They soon share a smile, but quickly look away from each other.

Finally Adam admits his feelings and they kiss. However, Rich walks in just at that moment. He’s unimpressed to find them in a passionate clinch. Has Alya jeopardised her chances of furthering her career?

Demi and Steve hit it off on their date in the Rovers in Coronation Street
Steve is charmed by Demi (Credit: ITV)

Demi gives Steve more in Coronation Street spoilers

Steve tells Amy he’s giving up the dating apps as they’re more hassle than they’re worth. However then a message pops up from Demi and he changes his mind!

He arranges a date and prepares to meet her in the Rovers. Steve’s convinced she’s The One, and they hit it off immediately. Could he have found Mrs Right at last?

Roy gives Dee-Dee a lead

After remembering the necklace, Roy calls Dee-Dee and describes it to her. He tells her he believes if they can trace where it’s from, they might be able to find Lauren’s mystery boyfriend.

Has Roy got his hopes up though? Will the necklace search lead to nothing?


ED Coronation Street WhatsApp call to action advert

Coronation Street spoilers: Liam struggles

As Liam is finding it harder to cope with his anxiety, he turns to the internet for help. He Googles ways to deal with anxiety and specifically looks up diazepam.

Soon Joseph arrives for the judo class and it’s clear Liam is glad of the company. But will he manage to get the help for his anxiety he needs before it’s too late?

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

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Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)