Kevin looks worried on Coronation Street; inset, Abi also looking worried (Credit: ITV/Composite: ED!)

Coronation Street spoilers tonight: Kevin makes a huge mistake as he desperately tries to help Abi

Kevin makes a bad situation worse

Coronation Street spoilers tonight reveal that, as Kevin Webster tries to help Abi, he lands himself in potential hot water. But will he come clean when questioned by Abi and Craig?

Elsewhere, their busted boiler leaves Chesney and Gemma floundering. Meanwhile, Kevin hits it off with carer Cassie as she starts work.

And Joel sets his sights on a fresh target.

Read all these Coronation Street spoilers tonight and more in full below.

Abi and Craig talk to Tyrone in Corrie in Roy's Rolls
Abi and Craig hear some worrying news about Kev (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street spoilers: Kevin’s up to no good

Abi asks Kevin about his getting up in the night. He makes out that it was down to stress, but is clearly lying.

Later, he visits the salon with a stolen mobile phone. He asks Max if he can hack it.

Elsewhere, Tyrone opens an email to find footage of Kevin breaking into Stefan’s office. Kevin tells him that it’s another deep fake video… but is he telling the truth?

Abi and Craig talk to Tyrone in Corrie in Roy's Rolls
Will Kevin come clean? (Credit: ITV)

Bethany sees Max with the phone and realises that Kevin stole. She warns him not to drag her family into whatever he’s been up to.

Then, when Kevin turns up at Stefan’s office, Stefan tells him that the video footage of Kevin breaking and entering could land him in jail.

Back on the Street, Abi is shocked to overhears Tyrone telling Craig that Kevin has been the victim of a deep fake video.

Returning home, Kevin finds Abi and Craig waiting. Will he report Stefan?

Chesney looks put out in Corrie
Chesney realises that Joseph is embarrassed by their situation (Credit: ITV)

Chesney’s deflated by Joseph’s embarrassment

Dee Dee tells Gemma that her landlord could be fined for failing to carry out essential repairs to the boiler if she reported him.

Then, as Joseph is dropped home by a school friend posh mum, Chesney’s gutted to realise that Joseph has made out he runs a successful catering empire.

Steve and Cassie in Corrie argue
Steve enjoys winding Cassie up (Credit: ITV)

Ken and Cassie hit it off

When Cassie arrives for work, Steve takes great pleasure in telling her that her first task is to cut Ken’s toenails. Cassie swallows her disgust and sucks it up.

As the pair enjoy each other’s company, Ken suggests that they grab lunch.

Meanwhile, Amy is amused by how much Cassie annoys her dad. She suggests that there might be a a spark between the pair. Amy hides her amusement as Steve makes his flustered protests.

Joel in Coronation Street sees a vulnerable young girl at the police station
Sensing vulnerability, Joel approaches (Credit: ITV)

Joel sets his sights on a new target

Joel tells Dee-Dee that he’s sad to be keeping their engagement from his parents. Later, he spots a young woman in a state of distress outside the police station.

He then learns that her brother has been arrested. He hands her his business card and tells her to give him a call.

As Sabrina’s friend joins her, Joel heads inside. Has he found his latest victim?

Joel in Coronation Street sees a vulnerable young girl at the police station
Joel circles his prey (Credit: ITV)

Good news for Toyah

A police officer visits Toyah and tells her that she’ll face no charges for burying her baby. At long last, she feels like a weight has been lifted.

Coronation Street summer preview - 5 exciting spoilers

Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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Joel Harley
Freelance Writer