Coronation Street spoilers first look comp image: Toyah, Glenda, Michael, Simon (Credit: ITV/Comp ED!)

Coronation Street spoilers for next week: First look as Toyah is arrested for murder

Has Leanne turned on her sister?

Coronation Street spoilers for next week reveal Leanne’s return is fraught with drama as Toyah desperately tries to make her see sense about The Institute. But then Toyah is arrested for murder – who has told the police?

Also, it’s time for Simon to say goodbye, and Glenda gets a kiss!

All this and more in next week’s Coronation Street spoilers.

1. Simon leaves

Simon, Leanne and Nick have a tense discussion as he says he's leaving in Coronation Street

Leanne returns home from her retreat, explaining it overran and so she stayed on an extra night. But she’s shocked to see Simon’s bags packed and he reveals he’s joining Peter on the yacht.

Corrie: Leanne points and shouts at Nick

Leanne goes mad that no one consulted her, but Nick insists he left a message with Rowan. However Leanne flips and accuses Nick of conspiring with Toyah behind her back.

Simon smiles as he bids farewell in Coronation Street

Soon it’s time for Simon to leave. Everyone gathers in the bistro for his farewell bash.

Leanne is upset as Simon leaves Corrie

Leanne tearfully hugs her son goodbye. Later she chats to someone on her laptop, telling them now Simon’s gone she’s all alone and she wants to be with them.

2. Toyah sued

Corrie's Toyah Battersby looks worried to receive an official letter

Rowan shows Leanne Toyah’s negative online posts about The institute. Leanne is fuming. Soon Toyah receives a recorded delivery letter.

Corrie's Toyah Battersby looks worried to receive an official letter

She’s shocked to discover The institute is suing her for defamation and taking out an injunction against her. Nick tries to make Leanne see sense that Toyah is just trying to protect her, but Leanne refuses to listen.

Nick in Corrie is horrified as he sees Leanne and Rowan in his flat

Toyah later overhears Leanne telling someone she loves them on the laptop and tells Nick. He heads home to find Leanne and Rowan holding hands, but will Leanne be able to explain?

3. Toyah arrested for murder

Toyah looks upset as Kit arrives to arrest her in Coronation Street

Toyah begs Leanne to open her eyes to Rowan and The Institute. However the police soon interrupt their argument.

Toyah looks upset as Kit arrives to arrest her in Coronation Street

Toyah is horrified when she is arrested for murder after the body of a baby was found buried in the park. Who told the police?

4. Carla outcast

Coronation Street: Carla looks embarrassed as Daniel looks incredulous in the Rovers with Bobby and Ken

Dee-Dee lets slip to Adam about Carla and Bobby’s false statement and Adam tells the Barlows in the Rovers. He reveals it’s the reason suspicion turned to Daniel in the murder investigation. The family are furious.

Carla and Bobby have a tense discussion in Coronation Street

Carla feels terrible as Ken gives her short shrift later on. Bobby feels guilty and suggests he should move out as he’s caused her enough trouble. He’s hurt when Carla agrees it’s for the best.

5. Joel proposes!

Dee-Dee looks incredulously at Joel in Corrie

Dee-Dee meets Joel’s parents and it doesn’t go well. They make their disapproval of Dee-Dee clear and she ends up storming out.

Coronation Street: Dee-Dee looks uncomfortable as Joel gets down on one knee

Joel follows her home and apologises for his mum’s behaviour. He then gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him. Will Dee-Dee accept?

6. George is served

Dee-Dee in Coronation Street delivers stressed George an official letter

George is trying to impress a lucrative client when Dee-Dee arrives with a letter. It details Glenda’s claim for half of the business as well as half of the house.

Coronation Street: George is horrified by the contents of Glenda's letter

George is furious and storms to confront his sister. She sticks to her guns and says she’ll see him in court.

7. Glenda and Michael kiss

Glenda and Michael in Corrie look at each other flirtily

Glenda feels bad and confides in Michael George was their dad’s favourite and she was always second best.

Coronation Street: Glenda and Michael kiss

Michael reassures her that she is kind, funny and smart. He then pulls her in for a kiss!

8. Bethany is defrauded

Daisy in Coronation Street leans on the bar interested as Bethany and Joel talk seriously

When her mail is redirected from London, Bethany finds out someone has been fraudulently using her old company credit card. Daisy advises her to get copies of the statements to prove her innocence and Bethany seeks advice from Joel.


ED Coronation Street WhatsApp call to action advert

9. Bad news for Abi

Coronation Street: Craig looks nervous as he talks to Kevin and Abi at the garage

Craig visits Abi and Kevin at the garage and admits the police are no closer to finding who’s behind the deep fake videos. He advises they get a lawyer instead.

Abi and Kevin in Corrie look unimpressed with Craig's news

Abi is later upset when the twins adoptive mother cancels their visit because of the videos. She discovers it will cost £5k a month to get the videos taken down and despairs as they just can’t afford it.

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

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Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)