Bernie Winter looks shocked on Coronation Street; inset, Kit (Credit: ITV/Composite: ED!)

Coronation Street spoilers: Bernie pleads with Kit to give her a chance after his kind gesture to Paul

Bernie tries to make amends

Our Coronation Street spoilers reveal that Bernie begs police officer Kit to give her a chance after she clashes with him over a towed car. However, her opinion soon changes when she learns that he shares a birthday with her late son, Zodiac.

Bernie recently revealed that she had another son named Zodiac. He was taken into care as a baby. She tried to seek him out and was convinced Kit was the one, but he denied being adopted.

However when she tried the last name on her list, she learned that he had recently died of cancer. Bernie was distraught sure she’d missed the chance to meet her son.

Read our Coronation Street spoilers for this storyline in full below.

Kit and Bernie share a fierce look in Coronation Street
Bernie’s not a fan of Kit… but her opinion is about to change (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street spoilers: Bernie makes a surprise discovery

An emotional Bernie tells Dev that it would have been long-lost son Zodiac’s birthday today. Then, as she sets off to attend Paul’s feeding tube operation, Bernie finds her car being towed away.

Seeing Kit nearby, Bernie convinces herself that he was to blame. She heads to the police station, where she intends to make a complaint about Kit.

Just then, Craig and his colleagues emerge with a birthday cake for Kit. Bernie watches, shocked, as Craig and his colleagues wish Kit a happy birthday.

As Bernie joins the dots she realises exactly who Kit is and that he lied to her at their last meeting.

Corrie's Bernie looks surprised when Craig and the other police wish Kit a happy birthday
Bernie is surprised to learn that Kit shares a birthday with her late son, Zodiac (Credit: ITV)

Kit to the rescue

Later, at the hospital, Billy is about to reverse his car into a disabled parking bay when suddenly another car swoops in and steals his spot. Ki’s there and flashes his police ID and tells the driver of that car to move.

Back at home, Billy and Paul sing Kit’s praises. Listening to their story, Bernie feels cheered up that he obviously does care and strikes upon an idea.

Corrie's Bernie looks surprised when Craig and the other police wish Kit a happy birthday
Is Kit’s birthday a coincidence… or something more? (Credit: ITV)

Afterwards, she visits the police station to see Kit. She thanks him for the kindness he showed Paul, and begs him for a chance to explain her side of the story.

How will Kit react? Will he let his mum into his life? Or will he insist he wants nothing to do with her?

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024? Complete list of cast exits, arrivals and returns

5 exciting Coronation Street spoilers for next week (13th-17th May)

Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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Joel Harley
Freelance Writer