Maria looking shocked while Roy lies in a hospital bed

4 Coronation Street spoilers for next week including Roy collapse

There's danger for Roy and a hospital dash, plus Maria gets bad news!

In Coronation Street spoilers for next week, Maria gets some bad news, then realises Gary has been lying to her for ages, Roy’s in danger when he tries to do a good turn, plus he gets a mysterious visitor.

Gary, Maria and Sarah together on Corrie
Maria rumbles Gary (Credit: ITV)

1. Coronation Street spoilers: Maria rumbles Gary!

Worried mum Maria gets a letter saying Mason is going to be released from prison.

Determined to find out more, she marches off to the police station to ask some questions about Mason’s release.

What Maria doesn’t know, though, is that Gary’s at the police station too. He’s accompanying Sarah as part of the investigation into evil Nathan.

If you remember, Gary was the one who beat Nathan up. He later gave Sarah £10,000 to pay Nathan to leave Weatherfield and stay quiet about the attack. Nathan didn’t leave, and Gary lied to Maria about what he’d spent the money on, so it was all a big mess.

And now the police are asking questions, too.

So when Gary comes out of the interview room, Maria clocks him immediately and wants to know what he’s doing there.

Will Gary come clean?

Roy surrounded by scary yobs on Emmerdale
Yobs confront Roy (Credit: ITV)

2. Roy in danger!

With Shona having told Roy that she’s not well, Roy decides to do her a good turn and take her some homemade soup.

But as he heads off with his flask, he’s surrounded by a group of yobs.

The youngsters start bothering poor Roy, calling him names. He can’t handle the stress and stumbles to the ground.

That’s where a furious Carla comes across the scene. She confront the youngsters and rushes to help Roy, but it’s clear he’s in pain.

Paramedics give Roy CPR (Credit: ITV)

3. Coronation Street spoilers: Roy collapses!

Later in the café, Roy’s even more unsettled when Shona admits he was never ill.

He’s annoyed with her and crossly sends Shona and Evelyn packing.

A little while later a bemused and worried Shona is telling Nina what happened, when they see an ambulance come round the corner.

Terrified something has happened to Roy, the women rush to the café where they find Roy being given CPR. Can the paramedics help him?

Roy catches someone visiting him (Credit: ITV)

4. Roy is in hospital

In hospital, Roy is in a bad way. He’s drifting in and out of consciousness and only barely aware of where he is and what’s happened.

But as he comes to, he realises there is a visitor at his hospital bedside. The surprise visitor stays for a while before disappearing again.

When Nina comes to see her uncle later, he tells her who he’s seen. But Nina thinks he’s been hallucinating. Is Roy right about his mystery visitor? And who does he think he’s seen?

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024? Complete list of cast exits, arrivals and returns

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Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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Kerry Barrett
Freelance Soap Writer