Emmerdale spoilers comp image: Belle, Ethan, Ella (Credit: ITV/Comp ED!)

13 Emmerdale spoilers for next week including Belle attacks Tom, Ethan left for dead and Ella’s strange behaviour

Tom soon plays the victim

Emmerdale spoilers for next week reveal Belle can’t take Tom’s behaviour any more and lashes out, Ethan is attacked in a hit and run and Ella’s clearly keeping secrets, but what are they?

Here are 13 huge Emmerdale spoilers for next week.

Tom talks seriously to Liam at the doctors in Emmerdale
Will Liam buy Tom’s lies? (Credit: ITV)

1. Tom manipulates Liam

After Tom agreed to get help to make their marriage work, Belle is pleased when he heads to the doctors. However, she has no idea what he’s telling Liam…

Tom makes out Belle is the one with anger issues and that she’s coercively controlling him. Will Liam believe Tom’s version of events?

2. Tom puts on a show

Mandy and Lydia are worried about Belle. She’s ignoring their calls and is not herself. When she and Tom head over for dinner, he puts on a show in front of them.

Belle relaxes a little when she hears Tom’s appointment with Liam went well. But she doesn’t realise he’s lying to her…

Tom and Belle argue in Emmerdale
Tom continues to manipulate Belle (Credit: ITV)

3. Lisa’s anniversary overshadowed

On the anniversary of Lisa’s death, Tom once again manipulates Belle into staying at home. He gets her to wait in for a parcel for him rather than going to a memorial picnic with Sam and Lydia.

4. Criticism sends Tom overboard

Tom has his appraisal at work. He is annoyed to realise Vanessa and Rhona are about to give him some criticism. He does not handle it well. Of course, that means he’s soon taking it all out on Belle.

Tom in Emmerdale lies on the floor as Belle screams at him while Vanessa and Rhona rush over
Belle can’t cope any more (Credit: ITV)

5. Belle flips

When Tom discovers she didn’t wait in for his package he is fuming. He tells her she has ruined the day and then makes harsh comments about her mum.

It’s too much for Belle who sees red and loses it. She pushes Tom over and he falls to the ground. The villagers watch on, stunned. Has Belle just played right into Tom’s hands and made it look like she’s the one with problems?

What else is happening in next week’s Emmerdale spoilers?

Caleb and Ruby in Emmerdale look tired and angry as they see Ethan
Ethan is under pressure (Credit: ITV)

6. Ruby, Caleb and Cain all want revenge

Ruby is distressed when Caleb breaks the news to her they still can’t bring Nicky out of his coma.

Things are tense when Caleb bumps into Ethan and Charles. Then later, when Caleb and Ruby see them again and Cain comes along, the thirst for revenge on Ethan is clear.

Ethan in Emmerdale lies in the road after being hit by a car
Ethan is left for dead (Credit: ITV)

7. Ethan in a hit and run

When Ethan doesn’t show up for the village fete the next day, Charles is worried. And he’s right to be because on the outskirts of town, Ethan lies bloodied and bruised after being deliberately hit by a car. The vehicle screeches away, leaving Ethan on the ground.

He manages to limp back to the village before collapsing on Main Street. Ethan then claims he didn’t see his attacker, but with Cain, Ruby and Caleb watching on from a distance and satisfied, did one of them do it?

Ella and Liam in Emmerdale have a tense conversation in the cafe
What is Ella hiding? (Credit: ITV)

8. Manpreet catches Ella out

Ella panics when Liam suggests they stay at her place. She manages to deflect and later we see why – Ella is sleeping in her car.

Manpreet catches her out and embarrassed Ella begs her not to tell Liam. However, Manpreet accidentally does reveal the truth to him.

Ella looks surprised in Emmerdale
Ella doesn’t like Mandy looking through her things (Credit: ITV)

9. Ella acts suspiciously as she moves in

Liam suggests Ella move into his spare room as a temporary solution to her situation. As she moves her stuff in Mandy is being nosy and asks about Ella’s family.

Mandy then picks up an old photograph and Ella snaps at her. Confused Mandy then warns Liam to make sure Ella has no skeletons in her closet before he takes things any further.

Ella smiles weakly as she visits a care home in Emmerdale
Just why is Ella being so secretive? (Credit: ITV)

10. Who is Ella visiting?

Liam clumsily asks Ella some questions and she is rattled by their intrusive nature. She rushes out of the house. Ella then visits a care home – but who is she there to see? And why is she being so secretive about it?

More Emmerdale spoilers

Mack and Charity are exposed to half the village! (Credit: ITV)

11. Mack and Charity caught out

Charity and Mack are both worried about their lack of intimacy. When they finally find the courage to open up to each other about it, they realise their busy lives are stopping anything happening.

The couple finally find a moment alone and get it on in a barn! However, they have no idea Minty the lamb has gone missing and the whole village, plus a newspaper photographer are on the hunt for him – and heading straight for the barn!

Marlon and Rhona look strained at marriage counselling in Emmerdale
Has too much happened for Marlon and Rhona (Credit: ITV)

12. Tensions for Rhona and Marlon

Determined to make their marriage work, Rhona and Marlon head for their first counselling session. However things don’t go well.

Billy sobs on the floor of the hospital corridor in Emmerdale
Billy is beside himself (Credit: ITV)

13. Dawn and Billy at odds in Emmerdale spoilers

Dawn is stressed and exhausted. She is also blaming her past mistakes for what is happening to Evan. Meanwhile, Billy is worried that no matter how hard he tries or how much he does, it’s just not enough for Dawn. Will steps in and encourages the pair to make up, but can they move forward?

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024?

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Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour episode on Thursdays.

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)