King Charles looking to the side / Queen Camilla looking shocked

Queen Camilla reacts to new portrait of King Charles: ‘My goodness me, that’s my husband’

Camilla was at a school in London yesterday

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Yesterday (Wednesday, June 26), Queen Camilla was shown a portrait of King Charles by some schoolchildren.

The 76-year-old was at a school in London yesterday during a royal engagement.

Queen Camilla shaking hands with a man at a school
Camilla visited a primary school in London (Credit: The Royal Family Channel / YouTube)

Queen Camilla visits primary school

Yesterday, Camilla visited Christ Church Primary School in Chelsea, London, to meet the children.

She was there to promote the joys of reading – and was shown numerous ways in how the school promotes reading amongst the pupils.

After her tour of the school, the Queen gifted the school library with a selection of books.

She also addressed the children with a speech in which she insisted the children keep reading “forever and ever”.

“It is going to take you off on millions of adventures all over the world,” she said.

“The more you read as you grow up, it’s going to be bigger and better for all of you. Keep on reading – and by the time you are grown up, you are all going to be stars,” she then continued.

Queen Camilla looking at a mosaic of King Charles with schoolchildren
Camilla seemed to like the mosaic (Credit: The Royal Family Channel / YouTube)

Queen Camilla reacts to a mosaic of King Charles

During her visit, the Queen was also shown a mosaic the children had made of King Charles.

The portrait was made to commemorate his coronation last year.

“My goodness, that’s really good. How’s my husband?” she said, drawing laughter from those present.

Camilla then posed for pictures with the children as they told her how they’d made the mosaic.

Later during the visit, Camilla was asked by one of the kids, “are you the Queen?”.

“That’s me,” she responded.

Princess Anne waving to the crowds at Order of the Garter
Princess Anne is in hospital (Credit:

Zara Tindall urged to ‘step up’ for mum Princess Anne

Meanwhile, in other royal news, Princess Anne is currently in hospital after reportedly being injured by a horse.

The Princess Royal suffered minor injuries and a concussion, Buckingham Palace has said.

The recent setback has meant the 73-year-old has been forced to miss royal engagements.

Now, according to a commentator on GB News, the Princess Royal’s daughter, Zara Tindall, should step up in her mother’s place.

“There’s definitely room for Zara and Mike [Tindall]. They’re full of energy and give complete energy to the royal family which is needed,” the correspondent claimed.

In a poll conducted by the broadcaster, 90% of those voting were in agreement.

However, some royal fans were not. “Absolutely not. Anne made that decision for her and thus set her on a non-royal trajectory,” one fan tweeted.

Read more: The touching ways King Charles is ‘supporting’ daughter-in-law Kate – daily check-ins; ‘home-cooked’ meals; ‘spontaneous’ gifts

Cheerful Queen Admires School Mosaic of King Charles

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Robert Emlyn Slater
Senior Writer