Princess Anne wearing scarf

Princess Anne ‘will want to recover quickly’ as missing royal duties due to accident will have ‘big impact’ on her

Wishing her a speedy recovery!

Princess Anne remains in hospital after being involved in an accident recently.

The Princess Royal, 73, was rushed to Southmead Hospital in Bristol after reportedly being injured by a horse on the Gatcombe Park estate in Gloucestershire on Sunday.

Anne reportedly suffered minor injuries and a concussion.

Princess Anne on horse
Princess Anne reportedly became injured by a horse on Sunday (Credit: Cover Images)

Princess Anne news

Buckingham Palace have said that she is “in a comfortable condition” and “recovering well”. She will reportedly leave hospital later on this week and eventually make a full recovery.

However, a royal insider has now claimed that the incident will nevertheless have a “big impact” on her.

In an interview with Slingo, King Charles’ former butler, Grant Harrold, discussed how Princess Anne will bounce back from her accident.

As one of the hardest-working members of the Royal family, it’s going to have a big impact on her.

“Anne could be out of royal duties for the next few days or even weeks,” he speculated.

Indeed, she has already had to cancel a string of royal duties – a trip to Canada planned for the end of this week has postponed and she will also miss the banquet for the Japanese state visit which will take place next Tuesday.

“As one of the hardest-working members of the Royal family, it’s going to have a big impact on her,” Grant claimed, “This incident will probably make Anne even more determined to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

Princess Anne smiling in green outfit
The Princess Royal has become “the hardest working royal” according to many (Credit: Cover Images)

Princess Anne ‘doesn’t let anything faze her’

However, he reckoned that the Princess Royal would do her best to recover quickly.

“I know she will want to recover quickly so she can get back to her royal duties. She’s somebody who wants to get on with what she’s expected to do,” he said.

“Anne undertakes more engagements than anyone. In some years she’s done 500 odd engagements, and the King has done 400 odd engagements. She has definitely been the hardest working royal for many, many years. She often does double the amount of engagements compared to William and Catherine.”

Princess Anne in carriage for royal engagement
Anne will want to recover quickly, a royal butler claims (Credit: Cover Images)

Grant also predicted that the Princess Royal will put on a brave face in spite of the setback.

“You only have to look at footage of her from over the years, and she just doesn’t let anything faze her,” he said. “I met with her on many occasions when I worked with the now King. I really liked how straight-talking she was with everyone. She was like her father, Prince Philip, in that sense – but without the swearing.”

The palace added on Monday: “The King has been kept closely informed and joins the whole Royal Family in sending his fondest love and well-wishes to The Princess for a speedy recovery.”

Read more: Bake Off star Paul Hollywood ‘promised’ to make Princess Anne a baked good: ‘I put myself on the spot there’

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Gabrielle Cracknell
Freelance Writer

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