King Charles beside Princess Kate on Buckingham Palace balcony

The touching ways King Charles is ‘supporting’ daughter-in-law Kate – daily check-ins; ‘home-cooked’ meals; ‘spontaneous’ gifts

Both the King and Kate are receiving treatment for cancer

King Charles has reportedly been ensuring Princess Kate gets the best care as she undergoes preventative cancer treatment.

The royal family were rocked with two cancer diagnoses earlier this year, with the King sharing his ill health in February and the Princess of Wales announcing to the public she too had an undisclosed form of cancer, in March.

Since then, it appears that the members of the royal family have united together to support each other – especially the monarch and his daughter-in-law, who are experience very similar battles.

Therefore, the King has reportedly been treating Princess Catherine to some serious pampering.

Princess Kate talking to King Charles on the Buckingham Palace balcony during Trooping the colour
Princess Kate has been receiving special treatment from King Charles (Credit:

How King Charles is ‘supporting’ Princess Kate

An insider has told Bella magazine how King Charles has been “confiding” in Princess Kate due to their shared battles. Apparently, the concerned father-in-law is also in constant contact with his son, Prince William, to ensure he is up to date on Kate’s medical status.

The insider went on to claim: “Charles has been checking in with Kate multiple times each day. He confides in her about his own progress, keeps her up to date with matters of royal business and sends lots of thoughtful gifts from himself and Queen Camilla. They’ve been treating her to home-cooked soups, full roast dinners, slices of cake and other sweet treats like boxes of chocolates and freshly squeezed fruit juice packed with vitamins. All made with home-grown ingredients.

“Rarely a day goes by that Kate doesn’t receive some type of thoughtful spontaneous gift from Charles. As well as other royals who miss her terribly. Her friends and family make no secret about how proud they are that she continues to show such positivity and resilience while nursing herself back to health. Charles also texts her frequently and goes out of his way to call with kind words of support when he hears from William that she’s had a rough day.”

The British Royal Family during appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony to watch the flypast during Trooping the Colour 2024 ceremony
Princess Kate made her return to royal duties last week (Credit:

Princess Kate health

According to the source, this has been quite an adjustment for Kate. They detailed how Prince William and King Charles haven’t taken no for an answer and instead ensure the Princess of Wales gets the best treatment and proper rest.

They claimed: “William and Charles told Kate from the very get-go that they weren’t going to take no for an answer as far as letting them jump in and help out for as long as it takes and in any way possible. It was quite an adaptation for her. She’s used to being everyone else’s rock, and in so many ways she still is. But obviously this illness has meant that she needs to manage her routine a lot more calmly, take her time and follow the doctors’ advice to the letter.”

Despite stepping away from royal duties during her recovery, Princess Catherine attended the Trooping the Colour celebrations last week.

The Princess appeared to be glowing as she smiled and waved from Buckingham Palace balcony alongside her family. It appears the pampering Kate is supposedly receiving from Prince William has kept her in good spirits!

ED! has contacted reps for Buckingham Palace for comment.

Read more: How Prince William has been ‘caring for’ Kate amid cancer – binge-watching TV; breakfast in bed; non-stop pampering

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