Dick and Angel Strawbridge on Lorraine

Inside Angel and Dick Strawbridge’s marriage – from 18-year age gap to arguing ‘all the time’

They have two kids together

Dick and Angel Strawbridge – stars of Escape to the Chateau – have been married for nine years, having tied the knot in 2015.

From the 18-year age gap between them to admissions about arguing “all the time”, here’s an inside look at the Channel 5 stars’ marriage…

Escape to the Chateau stars Dick and Angel Strawbridge – their romance

Dick and Angel first met back in 2010 via their shared agent at a party. They hit it off pretty quickly.

Angel lived in London at the time, whilst Dick lived in Cornwall – and the distance soon became an issue.

So much so that Dick actually opted to call time on their romance.

“My children were all grown-up and the sensible thing would have been for her to find somebody else, but she said she wanted me,” Dick told The Times during an interview.

“That was the acknowledgment we were going to have a family. And soon. Angela gave me a calendar with ‘Impregnate me by this date’ written on it,” he then continued.

“[And] being efficient as we are, we were seven months ahead of our target having Arthur and Dorothy.”

Dick and Angel Strawbridge at the docks, smiling
Dick and Angel have an 18-year age gap (Credit: Channel 5)

Dick and Angel’s age gap

Dick is 64, whilst Angel is 46, meaning there’s an 18-year gap between them.

This age gap was cause for concern for Dick initially, as he once explained to the Daily Mail.

“I was over 50 when I met Angel, and I didn’t ask her age because that was a scary thing to do,” he said.

This – along with the distance – led to Dick suggesting they end the relationship so she could be with a younger man.

“Angel and I had our fun, then I told her it was time for her find a young man, have children, because I felt I shouldn’t keep her from that,” he said in a different interview.

“What she said, b****y woman, was that she actually wanted me,” he then said. “You’re a long time dead. Why wouldn’t you just jump in and live life?”

Angel on the age gap

However, the age gap never bothered Angel, as she confessed in an interview with Fabulous magazine.

“The age gap just didn’t matter. I didn’t think about it really. Dick thought about it at one point, but we got over it five minutes later,” she said.

“Age is but a number, and Dick’s always had a really ­wonderful energy and he’s a doer,” she then continued.

“It was definitely love at first sight. The night we met properly, we consider to be our anniversary.”

Dick and Angel Strawbridge on Lorraine
Dick and Angel have two kids together (Credit: ITV)

Escape to the Chateau stars Dick and Angel Strawbridge on arguing ‘all the time’

Angel has admitted that the couple argue “all the time” now they run a Chateau in France.

“We argue all the time, every day. But you’ve got to be passionate and we are both madly in love so there’s no point getting hung up on silly little details,” she once said.

“If you asked me what we argued about yesterday, I’d have no idea. Argue every day and drink gin at night with a smile,” she then continued.

Read more: Dick and Angel Strawbridge in shock return to Channel 4 as they land new series after Escape to the Chateau row

Dick and Angel’s Secret France airs on Channel 4 at 8pm.

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Robert Emlyn Slater
Senior Writer