Alison Hammond smiling on This Morning

Alison Hammond beams as she makes red carpet debut with boyfriend 23 years her junior

Son Aidan crashed their date night!

This Morning host Alison Hammond and her boyfriend David Putman stepped out to their very first event together last night (June 27).

Alison and David were joined by her son Aidan as they attended Jamie Laing‘s Candy Kittens summer party.

The trio happily posed for pictures on the red carpet, with David wrapping a protective arm around his girlfriend.

David Putman, Alison Hammond and son Aidan
It’s official! Alison Hammond and boyfriend David have finally hit the red carpet with their romance (Credit: Can Nguyen/Shutterstock)

Alison Hammond and boyfriend David’s date night

Alison wore a plunging navy floral dress, wedge shoes and a beaming smile as she posed for photographers.

Although she shielded her eyes slightly behind her sunglasses, her joy was there for all to see as she snuggled in to David for pictures.

David, a Russian masseur who is 23 years younger than Alison, kept it casual in all black with an open khaki shirt.

Completing the happy family setup was Alison’s son Aidan. At 19, he’s just four years younger than his mum’s chap. However, that hasn’t stopped him giving the pair his blessing. And that might come in handy seeing as it’s been reported that Alison and David could be looking to tie the knot!

At the party, as well as a lot of sweets courtesy of Jamie Laing’s brand, guests also had the chance to get a caricature done. Alison happily posed with hers on the artist’s Instagram page.

Alison Hammond smiling with her caricature
Alison Hammond smiling with a caricature drawn by an artist on the night (Credit: Instagram)

‘Normally Aidan hates anybody I date’

Speaking about Aidan and David’s first meeting, Alison shared that it went swimmingly.

Alison recently revealed: “When they actually met, he really liked him, he really thought he was lovely, so that’s nice. Thank goodness for that! Because normally Aidan hates anybody I date, literally just not interested.

“And you just know at that point, if Aidan doesn’t like them, this isn’t gonna work. There are moments where I think, who’s the parent here?! It’s nice though because I always feel like there’s someone there looking over me, protecting me.”

Alison was back on This Morning today with her co-host Dermot O’Leary.

Read more: This Morning launches new competition and viewers brand it a rip-off

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Nancy Brown
Associate Editor